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How Pain-Free Dentistry Is Revolutionizing Patient Care

Aug 14, 2024
How Pain-Free Dentistry Is Revolutionizing Patient Care
Millions of Americans avoid the dentist because they worry about uncomfortable treatments. Pain-free dentistry alleviates these fears by providing a relaxing, stress-free experience. Here’s how.

A 2022 survey published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation found that 39.9% of respondents expressed concerns about pain associated with dental treatments. This makes sense. Procedures like root canals and tooth extractions are uncomfortable and after the anesthesia wears off, many people experience swelling, difficulty chewing, and general discomfort. But that’s changing.

Pain-free dentistry addresses these problems by eliminating pain during treatment and providing personalized recovery instructions that speed healing and reduce the risk of complications. 

At Family Dental Group, our caring team specializes in pain-free dentistry. Here, we explain how pain-free dentistry works and highlight some of the measures we use to provide a comfortable patient experience.

What is pain-free dentistry?

Pain-free dentistry uses anesthesia and other sedation techniques to numb your teeth, gums, tongue, and surrounding oral tissues during dental treatment. It prevents physical discomfort while also alleviating the fear and dental anxiety many patients experience.

When you’re comfortable and don’t have to worry about pain, it’s easier to follow your dentist’s instructions and receive the care you need. As a result, pain-free dentistry is a win for both patient and provider. 

Pain-free dentistry techniques

We offer several pain-free dentistry techniques at Family Dental Group. Depending on your needs, we might recommend:

Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia uses injectable medications, like lidocaine and novocaine, to numb your mouth. These drugs block the nerves responsible for sending sensory signals (like pain) to your brain. 

Since many people fear needles, we apply a topical anesthetic to your mouth before administering local anesthesia. This ensures you feel nothing, not even a prick. 

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

Nitrous oxide doesn’t eliminate pain entirely, but it does dull pain and help you feel relaxed. Your provider administers it by placing a mask over your mouth and nose. You breathe as you normally would, and the medication sets in within 2-3 minutes.

Laughing gas wears off within 5-10 minutes, so you won’t need to have someone pick you up and drive you home.

Oral sedation

If your dental anxiety is severe or you have very sensitive teeth, we might recommend oral sedation. 

This type of pain-free dentistry uses prescription medications, like Halcion, to help you relax. You take the medication about an hour before your procedure and have someone drop you off at the office.

Oral sedation makes you feel relaxed and drowsy. You might fall asleep during treatment, but we can easily nudge you awake if we need you to answer a question or follow specific instructions. 

Intravenous sedation

We might recommend intravenous (IV) sedation if you need extensive dental work. IV sedation is administered directly into your bloodstream through a vein in your arm. We adjust the amount of anesthesia you receive throughout treatment, ensuring you remain comfortable and asleep throughout the procedure.

What type of pain-free dentistry is right for me?

The type of pain-free dentistry that’s right for you depends on several things, including your health history, your level of dental anxiety, and the issue being treated. After a review of your dental records and a one-on-one discussion, we develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your needs.

Don’t be afraid to speak up if you’re concerned about dental pain

Many people worry about dental pain. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you’re one of them. At Family Dental Group, we’re committed to providing a comfortable and relaxing patient experience. And, we have the knowledge and expertise to help! 

To explore our many pain-free dentistry treatment options, contact Family Dental Group today. Call the nearest office in Gardner, Northborough, or Paxton, Massachusetts, or book your appointment online.